Wednesday 6 September 2023

Monitoring chlorine production, water flow, salt levels

Pentair IC40 vs IC60 If you register with Pentair within 60 days of purchase, you can get a two-year extension on your warranty.This is something I would suggest to CYA. I purchased an IC40 replacement in May 2022, and it has already failed after 4 months. Once the breaker kept popping, I pulled the top cover off, and the inside of the IC40 was burned and melted. Because it was after the 30-day Amazon return period, the seller refused to replace it. I just spoke with Pentair customer support and sent them photographs and warranty information.  I use a timer similar to that of a pool pump or hot water heater (it needs to be outdoor rated, of course). I configured the timer to turn the unit on after the pool pump starts and to turn it off before the pool pump turns off. According to the instructions, connect it to the same timer as the pool pump. I used to do that until one morning when I got out and saw the pvc on the intake side had blown out, and something had caused the titanium plates within the unit to bow out. 

I changed from the IC20 to the IC40 and observed a substantial difference. My pool holds 25,000 gallons. The IC20 was presumably undersized for that and had to operate virtually continuously to create an appropriate chlorine supply. After converting to the IC40, I discovered that I could operate the salt cell considerably less frequently, possibly as little as 20% of the time, and maintain an appropriate chlorine level. Although I cannot guarantee anything, I believe the IC40 salt cell will live longer because it is used less frequently.  Just remove the plastic "FLOW" cover and rotate the flow switch or sensor 180 degrees. Depending on how tight it is, you may want to pull it out, re-tape it, and reinsert it facing the opposite direction so it can be installed to read easier and is sealed. REMEMBER, YOU'RE WORKING WITH PLASTIC THREADS, SO DON'T OVERTIGHTEN.  The cord is included with this item. All you have to do with this unit is remove it from the pipes, disconnect the old unit, and replace it. It took me less than three minutes to swap out the units. It is very simple to swap out the units. 

Monitoring chlorine production, water flow, salt levels, and cell cleanliness is a cinch thanks to the control display’s user-friendly features. The IntelliChlor Chlorine Generating Cell is unrivaled in terms of strength and dependability. Each and every cell is made of titanium blades that have been coated in ruthenium oxide, which produces chlorine. Large threaded unions on the salt cell make it simple to install or swap out your current cell. The salt water that flows through the cell’s plates is automatically converted to pure chlorine by the IntelliChlor IC60 Salt Chlorinator. You are still using chlorine to sanitize water using a salt chlorinator, but the chlorine is in a more pure form. Swimming pool water feels velvety and silky smooth thanks to the salt chlorination procedure. Swimming is made more comfortable and safe with the use of the IntelliChlor salt chlorinator. The IntelliChlor cell is the brains behind this state-of-the-art chlorine-generating device. Automates Pentair Compool with EasyTouch Upgrade Full performance information, such as production parameters, operating times, chlorine output, cell cleaning cycles, and saltThe real-time cell life tracking tool updates the user on the remaining battery hours. To make pool maintenance even easier, the salt is reused every day. This is different from traditional chlorine additives, which always need to be refilled. The generator even takes care of itself. It has an automatic reverse cycle that keeps scale from building up and helps the cells last longer. necessary 520556 Smartlor Power Center (sold separately)At low water temperatures, the automatic shut-off feature safeguards the device and increases cell life. Less than a teaspoon of table salt (sodium chloride) per gallon of pool water is all that is required when adding salt to the water. As the dissolved salt moves through the generator cell, it is changed by electrolysis into pure chlorine.

Included is a lengthy 15′ UL-approved cable. The IntelliChlor cell also has waterproof electronics, so you won’t need to worry about leaks or other problems causing damage to the controls. Make sure to check the salt cell every three months to make it last longer. Over time, calcium can accumulate inside the plates, which can impair the cell’s ability to produce chlorine. To make cleaning the cell easier, use a salt cell acid washing kit (Pentair 520670 IntelliChlor Acid Cleaning Kit). The IntelliChlor cell has a control display built right into the device, unlike most other well-known salt chlorination systems that employ a power center with a display to manage the chlorination. Complete diagnostic capabilities, including real-time cell life tracking that communicates the time left on the cell. Communication capabilities with SunTouch, IntelliTouch, and EasyTouch Automation SystemsThe 60,000-gallon-capacity Pentair IntelliChlor IC60 Replacement Salt Cell 521105 is intended to sanitize swimming pools. The power source for the Pentair IntelliChlor IC60 salt cell, which is available separately, comes with a 15-foot cable.

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