Thursday 7 September 2023

a Polaris Vac Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure-Side Pool Cleaner, a 31-foot feed line

 It has a setting for sweeping the tail. I didn't go because it was cold outside and I didn't want to get wet. I didn't change it because it worked fine without the sweeping motion. It still works just as well as the day I put it in. It's something I would buy again.  The 380 has three jet ports, while the 280 only has two. The 280 is also driven by gears, but the 380 is driven by a belt. I know from experience that this item needs a lot of care. From what I know about both, the 280 will last twice as long as the 380. It should work fine with any pump that is 1.5 HP or higher. I've had two Dolphins and would get another one if I had to. The Polaris gets tangled up too much and sometimes gets stuck on the pool steps. 

My sweeping tail was part of mine. I'm pretty happy with it as a whole. I live in an area with a lot of big trees that help pick up trash.  It's not a problem to use a variable-speed pump with the Polaris 3900, and it may give you more control over the wheel spins per minute (RPMs) of the cleaner.  It should work fine with any pump that is 1.5 HP or higher. I've had two Dolphins and would get another one if I had to. The Polaris gets tangled up too much and sometimes gets stuck on the pool steps.  The pressure cleaner has a single-chamber filter bag that can catch both small and big pieces of trash, like leaves, acorns, and stones. Pools that are built into the ground can be made of vinyl, fiberglass, gunite, pebble, or brick, all of which are safe. The Vac Sweep 380 makes it easy to sweep and wash the floor and walls of your pool, and its wide 2.25-inch intake can pick up large bits that other cleaners can't. What's in it: A Polaris Vac Sweep 380 Pressure-Side Pool Cleaner with a 31-foot feed line and a single chamber filter bag for collecting all kinds of pool trash.

What's in the box: a Polaris Vac Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure-Side Pool Cleaner, a 31-foot feed line, a 5 liter dual chamber superbag that can hold a lot of trash, and a Bonus TailSweep PRO adapter that keeps water from spraying onto windows and walkways. Cleaning Power for Elite: The 3900 Sport is more powerful than any other pressure cleaner in its class. It has triple venturi jets and all-wheel PosiDrive, which give it unbeatable suction power and famous performance. A dual-chamber filter bag with a capacity of 5 liters can gather both small and large waste, like leaves, acorns, stones, and other things. Vinyl, fiberglass, gunite, pebble, and tile are all safe types and surfaces for indoor pools. Complete protection: The Vac Sweep 3900 Sport sweeps and scrubs your pool's floor and walls with ease, and its extra-large 2.5-inch intake can catch big particles that other cleaners can't. What's in it: A Polaris Vac Sweep 380 Pressure-Side Pool Cleaner with a 31-foot feed line and a single chamber filter bag for collecting all kinds of pool trash. HOW TO CLEAN IN 3 HOURS: With the help of a separate Polaris booster pump and three venturi jets, any in-ground pool can be cleaned in 3 hours or less. The Polaris 380 has three jets that sweep, scrub, and clean the floor, sides, and stairs of the pool.

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